Elabox knocks on the e-lab.io door

May 1, 2022


We have recently submitted a suggestion to the Cyber Republic to assist with development funding for our Elastos-supporting, Web3-targeted PC2 creation. Go and read it here:


The proposal is structured to help further the software side of the project, and will ensure Elaboxes are able to fulfil their role better than ever. It will also allow the premier Elastos PC2 solution to become more accessible than previously possible.

We need your votes though. If you haven’t registered with www.e-lab.io yet, now is the time to do so. Instructions can be found at https://docs.e-lab.io if you haven’t used Elastos Essentials before. It also describes how to verify your account using Discord or KYC.

Thank you in advance for helping us to reach the next stage.

Elastos Forever!




Written by Elabox

The most secure way to access the Decentralized Web and keep your digital assets secure

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